The Old Capitol Museum encourages our visitors to take photos for personal use. We ask that all photography equipment be hand-held and not obstruct any path within the museum.
In general, flash photography is allowed inside the museum. However, in some cases, the preservation of objects and artwork or the requirements of exhibit partners mean we must restrict photography or prohibit flash photography in temporary exhibits. We appreciate your compliance with posted restrictions.
Professional photography, including wedding photographs inside the building, requires special arrangements with museum staff and may incur a fee depending on the project and the equipment necessary. Please contact our Events and Operations Coordinator to discuss your needs and make arrangements. This ensures that photography doesn't interfere with scheduled tours, class visits, or other events. In all cases, photographers are expected not to obstruct museum visitors or interfere with our regular operations.
Share your photos with us on social media by tagging the Pentacrest Museums or send photos you'd like to share to our Communications Coordinator.