Systemic Oppression in Our Schools
The African American Museum of Iowa's exhibition Suspended: Systemic Oppression in Our Schools will be on display in the 2nd Floor Rotunda at the Old Capitol Museum starting January 18, 2023 through August 26, 2023.
Examine the role public schools play in funneling students into the prison system in Suspended: Systemic Oppression in our Schools, an original exhibition developed by the African American Museum of Iowa. Elements of the criminal justice system have entered public schools around the country, resulting in zero tolerance policies and student policing that disproportionately effect children of color. "Suspended" aims to help visitors learn more and explore ways to dismantle systems that feed the school to prison pipeline.
The Pentacrest Museums are pleased to display this traveling exhibit from the AAMI while their building, 55 12th Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids, IA, is closed to the public to facilitate a planned renovation project. The $5 million project will include relocating the building entrance to accommodate a new flood wall, as well as other structural upgrades. It is our privilege to keep our campus and community engaged in Iowa's Black history during their closure.

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