A Century's Struggle

To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the passing of the 19th amendment, the Old Capitol Museum presents the exhibition, “Hard Won, Not Done: A Century's Struggle.” An examination of the suffragists’ work at the national, state, and local levels which carried us through our first step toward gender equality: a woman’s right to vote. A monumental step, it was but the first of many—some still ahead.
In partnership with the League of Women Voters (who also celebrated 100 years in 2020) the exhibit features suffragist history and artifacts, examines themes of intersectionality, movement fragmentation, achievements and delays, and highlights some movement heroes with a call from the past to use your vote today.
This exhibit debuted, installed on the 2nd floor Rotunda of the Old Capitol Museum in early 2020. Due to the Covid-related closure in March, this exhibit was adapted to an interactive virtual experience.